Thursday, May 22, 2014

Grandparent names are hard

Long before Ava was born, I gave my parents grandparent-names on behalf of their grand-puppies. (I know, I'm THAT dog owner.) Because Arrested Development was a minor obsession of mine, I decided that my mom would be Gangy and my dad would be Pop-Pop. Done and done.

Then, I got pregnant. I still thought it would be hilarious if they kept those names, but my mom, Fran, had other ideas.

Back when Fran was, oh, 45, she attended Grandparents Day at a neighborhood school because her BFF's son didn't have a local grandma. He called her "Gran-Fran" and she had a ball. (Terrifying side note: She wasn't too much younger than the real grandparents. Yay, The South!)

Ever since then, she's envisioned being Gran-Fran. And who am I to demand otherwise, especially when the name I picked alludes to a rich, drunk narcissist with an attitude problem (aka, my spirit animal)?

So, she became Gran-Fran. My dad stuck with Pop-Pop because neither he nor I is creative enough to come up with something more meaningful. And there we have it: Gran-Fran and Pop-Pop.

I guess it's up to Ava if those really stick.

1 comment:

  1. My Mom and Dad are Gangy and Pop-Pop too!!! Also because of Dan and I's obsession with Arrested Development. We started it when my sister was pregnant and it stuck:) However, we are frequently asked where the names came from because apparently NOBODY we hang out with watches it. And whenever I explain I just get super weird looks. haha
