Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sleepy baby won't sleep

Sleep is such a tricky thing.

The other night, Ava was perfect for her nanny. She napped three times, two of which were nearly 90 minutes. The nanny was thrilled.

I was not.

I KNEW that Ava was going to be a total shit that night, and I was right.

It was one of the most painful nights we've had yet. She was a monster and didn't go to sleep until close to midnight -- which was so bad because I began her bedtime routine at 6-freaking-30.

At one point, she was just hanging out in her crib, babbling and spitting on herself. I had a brief moment of optimism where I thought she would peacefully drift off to sleep.


This did not happen.

Was it because of all the naps? The baby food she's trying to adjust to? The 5-month-regression we've been warned about? Who knows. But it sucked.

The night after that, she refused to go to sleep until 9pm. Again, when you start bedtime around 6:30, that's a long fucking time to drag it out. Add in a wake-up or two during the night and you have one very cranky mama. (Just kidding, you know I made Dave get up with her.)

And now we have tonight. I'm on my own since Dave is working past midnight, so I poured a hefty glass of wine and braced myself.

...But it's been okay. More than okay, actually. Ava went down around 7:15 and didn't wake up until 8pm with just one tiny screech. Literally 15 seconds later, she was quiet. And she hasn't stirred in an hour. Usually, if she can make it to 9pm without waking up, we're golden. I'm just praying that this is the case.

Meanwhile, I'll keep my glass (and my outlook) half full.

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