Monday, January 6, 2014

There's a first time for everything

Sure, be cute for daddy. Jerk.

Ava peed on me yesterday. Like, all over me.

I guess I should be happy that it took four months and three weeks to actually happen, but no. No, I was not happy.

It was bath time, which shall henceforth be known as The Danger Zone.

I had already put Ava's new whale tub in the bath (homegirl doesn't fit in the sink anymore -- STOP GROWING), and I was holding her naked little body while I fiddled with the water temperature.

Rookie mistake.

I don't know if she magically sensed the warmth of the water or just decided that, hey, now's a great time to release the ol' bladder, but she did. Right on my shirt.

Naturally, I yelped. My daughter grinned. Dave ran in.

"What happened??" he asked.

"She PEED on me!" I said. "Here, take this."

I handed the baby to him and went to go change. And learned a very important lesson: Keep the diaper on until the last possible minute. Better yet, take it off in the bathroom. Even the three seconds it takes to go from the changing table to the bath is three seconds too long.

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