Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Self reminder

Dave's been working in his new (reduced-travel) role for exactly one day now and the boy has already booked a business trip to Zurich for all of next week.


I think we have different ideas of what "reduced travel" means.

Seriously, though, I can't complain. Dave used to be gone Monday at 4am through Thursday at 8pm every single week. Five days/nights overseas once a month isn't anywhere near as bad. I guess it's all about perspective.

I think of my brother-in-law, who's in the military -- he was gone for months at a time. Granted, his (ex) wife had approx. a million family members to help with their kids, but still. Months. I can't imagine.

I used to be supremely jealous of women whose husbands came home every night to help them with the kid(s). "Who are these unrealistically lucky women with husbands who work 9-5 jobs??" I would wonder. "I totally hate them all."

Oh, that's right, I'm one of them now.

Sort of, at least. He may take an international trip once a month, but he comes home by 6pm most days. He may work additional hours at night, but it's after the baby is in bed. His career trajectory may not be in the seven-figure range, but on what planet is that a necessary income?

So this is a reminder to myself to count my blessings. If I get annoyed that he has to work late, pissy that he has to go in early and leave me to care for the brood, or disappointed that he's out of town no more than one week a month, I need to remember: He's still home more. And that's all that matters.

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