Friday, May 10, 2013

What's in a name?

We're at the point where it's time to start thinking seriously about baby names. To be honest, I have no idea what I like in a name. I guess it's more that I know what I don't like.

For example, when I was playing around on Nymbler for name inspiration (bye forever, that tool is too addicting), I explicitly blocked these terrible, terrible names.

New rule: If it's a noun, it will not be my baby's name.

I'm also battling the NAME YOUR BABY AFTER ME demands of one certain Drunk Grandma. Indirectly, I mean, since my mom has been shielding me from the brunt of it.

"She should name the baby Roselyn," Grandma keeps saying. "It's Jewish tradition!"

"It's only Jewish tradition if you're dead, so I guess you'd better die before August," mom responds.


But, no, Grandma, we will not be naming the baby Roselyn. Or Rose. Or Rose-Lynn (you're not fooling anyone with that suggestion). It's not that I hate the name; it's just that Roselyn/Roz is my grandma. Not my child.

And so, the search continues.


  1. Elizabeth or Alice are perfectly appropriate names... ;-)

    1. Not gonna lie, Dan, I do love the idea of getting some family names in there!
