Thursday, August 15, 2013


No labor yet, but according to the doc, I'm now 4cm dilated (and 50% effaced, whatever that means).

My super-awesome doctor is on call Friday and Saturday, so she giddily offered to "muck things up" during today's exam to try and get the ball rolling. I told her to go for it.

When I got home, I Googled ways to naturally encourage labor. I'm guessing 99% of it is horseshit, but I liked the suggestion of drinking red raspberry leaf tea. I just had a cup and made some more into iced tea for when Linds and I have our deck date later. Perhaps a glass of red wine is on the agenda too. (Hey, relaxing is encouraged at this stage, you know?)

Many of the other labor-inducing ideas (drinking castor oil, shoving some primrose oil up your hooha, getting acupuncture) are all way too absurd, so I'll just stick with ideas that don't make me vomit, cringe or pass out.


  1. You're sort of half way there from what I recall from going to baby classes with my friend! Good luck!
