It just occurred to me that I haven't written a post about how I'm feeling this far into the third trimester. Maybe that's because it would just sound like a whiny bitchfest, but I kind of want to get my thoughts down in case I'm ever insane enough to think, "Hey, this baby should have a sibling."
The short version is that I feel pretty terrible most of the time.
The longer version includes all of this:
Difficulty breathing. Baby's feet feel like they're jabbed up into my heart/lung/chest area, which means I feel like I breathe like a 400-pound man struggling to reach for some Cheetos.
Heartburn. Still in full force -- and Zantac doesn't always help. The other night, I was up from 2am to 5am, just crying from the pain. :(
Contractions. Yep, those have started. I was at Home Depot last weekend when one came shooting through my abdomen with a strength I was NOT expecting. I was like, "Hmm, am I going to pass out right now? Yes? Nooo...? Okay, no. You're fine. Just stand still for a minute and go to your happy place. (Winery winery winery winery winery.) Okay, it's gone."
Constant pressure. The baby feels so very heavy every time I stand up... which is a slow process. In fact, moving from any one position to another takes a lot of effort. Getting in and out of the car sucks, getting in and out of my office chair sucks, getting in an out of the bed sucks. Moving just sucks. It's annoying and painful. The worst is when I try to go from lying down to sitting up. Ugh.
Those are the Big Four. So, if you ask a nine-months-pregnant woman how she's doing and she says "fine," she really means, "Well, I'm not keeled over in the corner right now, so chalk that up to a win."
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