Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Random thoughts

I'm 36 weeks pregnant this week, which means I am due in 4 WEEKS.

I didn't wear maternity clothes today and I'm thinking this was a bad call.

My gigantically swollen feet look like sausages stuffed into my adorable Vera Wang flats, which makes them decidedly less adorable.

Heartburn is a huge, huge asshole.

Should we have taken maternity photos? Oh, well.

I'm kind of glad that William and Kate had a boy so I don't have to wonder if we'd choose the same baby name.

I now know what Braxton Hicks contractions feel like.

My hospital bag isn't really packed. I should get on that.

What happens if you deliver your baby and you don't have a car? Do you, like, bus it home from the hospital? Rent a car seat for the cab? Thank god we have wheels because my brain is too tired to think of anything beyond "please remember to wear pants today."

I think it's time to book a prenatal massage. I don't know what that means, but it's got to be good.


  1. I love love love this. My ability to sleep has gone from bad to worse as of late, and while it's in part due to being uncomfortable, it's mostly because I have a rambling inner monologue that addresses many of these same things. Although the heartburn does have A LOT to do with it. Ugh. Final countdown! WOOHOO! :)

  2. Replies
    1. I know it's you!

      Is Benadryl still working for you? I've actually been too exhausted to need it lately, but I know from experience that it's a godsend.

    2. Oh, you mean the "candy" my mom used to give us on long road trips and airplane rides? Yes, yes Benadryl definitely works. I haven't tried it recently - but I may give it a shot tonight. I've been wiped out this week, and sleep has not come easily!
